Recipes, Tips

Pork and Coriander Pot Sticker Dumplings

Serves : 4      Preparation Time : 30 minutes     Cooking Time : 10 minutes


2 cups finely chopped Chinese cabbage
½ tbsp salt
250g NZ pork mince
1 tbsp ground garlic
2 tbsp ground ginger
2 tbsp soy sauce
3 tbsp sesame oil
Small bunch coriander, roughly chopped
1 cup of water
1 packet wonton or dumpling wrappers

Dipping Sauce

Equal parts soy sauce, sesame oil and chilli paste
1 large spring onion, sliced


To make the filling, mix together the cabbage, pork, garlic, ginger, soy sauce and coriander.

Place a small amount of filling in the middle of each dumping wrapper, folding them over to form a half moon shape.

Starting at one end, fold and pinch the wrapper tightly together, continuing this method until the dumpling is completely sealed. Set the dumplings aside to rest for about 15 minutes.

In a pan, heat the sesame oil till it’s really hot, then fry one side of the dumplings until golden brown. Carefully pour in 1 cup of water and cover with a lid immediately – allowing the top side of the dumplings to steam.

Once the water has evaporated, let the bottom crisp up. Remove from the pan and plate on a platter or in individual servings.

To make the sauce, combine all of the ingredients together in a bowl.